Service Agreement

The undersigned: 

seller: Name, street and house number, postal code and city, hereinafter referred to as seller,


Buyer: Name, street and house number, postal code and city, hereinafter referred to as Buyer,

hereby declare an agreement, under which the contractor for the benefit of the client, outside employment, against reward work will do, under the following conditions and stipulations.

Article 1. Product description

The seller sells a car to the buyer with license plate (number plate), Type (Make, model, specifications).

Article 2 price

The Buyer pays for the car as described in Article 1 a price of: (product price including VAT).

This price is paid in cash on the day of delivery/ This price is paid on the day (date) to account number (IBAN number) attn. (name of account holder)

Article 3 Delivery

The car as described in Article 1 is delivered by the seller to the buyer on (date of delivery). On this day (date) the car will be transferred to (name).

Article 4 Force majeure

In the event of force majeure, the agreements made in this agreement will be suspended for the duration of the force majeure, without the parties being mutually held to any unlawful conduct.

Article 5 Risk

The car is at the risk of sale in the period between the conclusion of this agreement and the delivery date stated in article 3. The car is at the buyer’s risk from the date described in article 3. The buyer will be responsible from (date) for the closing the insurance policies.

Article 6 Warranty

The car as described in article 1 has a warranty period of (duration warranty). During this period, all defects will be repaired for as long as they exist (description conditions warranty).

Thus agreed and drawn up in duplicate at (place contract) on (date contract)

